Cristina Mogro-Wilson
In this episode, our guest Dr. Christina Mogro-Wilson provides us with her research insights into the “Latino paradox” and what makes Latino populations so resilient despite comparatively lower overall socioeconomic status. Specifically, she describes her research focused on Latino fathers – their role, and how their culture affects their parenting and interactions with their children.
Cristina Mogro-Wilson, PhD, MSW, is a recognized scholar and expert in health disparities with Latino families. Dr. Wilson’s research has made substantial contributions to improving Latino families by identifying modifiable factors associated with substance use and parenting in Latino populations. Dr. Wilson has added to the knowledge on what makes individuals and family units more effective at prevention of substance use, and what protects individuals and families that are in at-risk situations. Dr. Wilson’s work informs culturally responsive practice and education regarding under-studied ethnic and racial minority populations. Her most recent work focuses on engaging Latino fathers in substance abuse treatment.
Interviewer: Josal Diebold, MSW