Husain Lateef, PhD
It’s well known that Black men in the United States have disproportionally higher rates of depression and emotional distress than other racial groups. This is even more troubling given that Black men seek out help and mental health care at lower rates and endure higher rates of misdiagnosis when they do.
Our guest, Husain Lateef, is exploring this disparity and learning that an Afrocentric worldview that emphasizes collectivism, community, compassion and “being human through other people” can promote improved mental health and help-seeking behavior among Black men. Lateef will tell us what he is learning and why he does this research and recommend implications for practice based on his studies.

Husain Lateef, PhD, MSW, is an assistant professor at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. A graduate of Morehouse College, Lateef earned his MSW from the University of Michigan and his PhD at Arizona State University. Lateef’s research focuses on Afrocentric approaches to inform social work practices and interventions for youth of African descent. He investigates the role of Afrocentric constructs on the well-being of Black youth across life stages, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Show Notes
Cite this podcast – Sobota, P. (Host). (2023, Oct 17). Afrocentrism and Help-Seeking for Emotional Distress Among Black Men (No. 321)[Audio podcast episode]. In inSocialWork. University at Buffalo School of Social Work.