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Dr. Lauren Reed

Digital Dating Abuse Among Adolescents: Understanding the Role of Gender and Developing Effective Strategies for Prevention

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“Youth participatory action research says that youth are the experts about their own lives, and they know what issues are important in their own community and they probably know things that could be done to fix it. . . [W]e are harnessing the autonomy that teenagers are searching for that they don’t always have when they are teenagers, and. . . we are pointing them in a positive direction.”

Dr. Lauren Reed

In this episode, our guest Dr. Lauren Reed discusses her research on digital dating abuse among adolescents and why females are differentially impacted by this form of dating violence. She describes how the use of participatory action research has led to effective prevention strategies, and highlights the need to include digital media when assessing for dating violence.

Lauren Reed, PhD, MSW, is an assistant professor of social work at Arizona State University. She completed her PhD in social work and developmental psychology at the University of Michigan and did her postdoctoral training at the University of California Santa Barbara in the Center for School-Based Youth Development. Her research is focused on dating and sexual violence prevention among teens and young adults, youth participatory action research, and digital dating abuse. Dr. Reed has worked with adolescent and adult survivors of dating and domestic violence and has facilitated community-based youth-led programs to empower youth to end relationship violence and promote gender equality in their communities. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring, and empowering youth-led social change.

Interviewer: Carol Scott, MSW

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