Dr. Mo Yee Lee In this final episode of a three-part series, Dr. Mo Yee Lee address some of the challenges and opportunities of applying...
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Dr. Elisabeth Reichert In this episode, Dr. Elisabeth Reichert traces the history of the human rights movement and addresses the role of...
Dr. Mo Yee Lee In this second of three episodes, Dr. Mo Yee Lee discusses her research with female trauma survivors, many of whom are...
Maria Cristalli & Dr. Catherine Dulmus This episode features a conversation between Catherine Dulmus, Associate Professor, Associate...
Dr. Mo Yee Lee This is the first of three episodes in which Dr. Mo Yee Lee discusses her research and clinical work bridging social work...
Dr. Claudia Coulton Social problems have specific physical and social contexts. Dr. Claudia Coulton discusses how social work...
Dr. Claude Welch In this episode, Dr. Claude Welch, Jr. explains his contention that human rights can be violated as a result of economic...
Dr. Elizabeth Tracy In this podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Tracy traces the significance of social networks in social work practice, describes the...
Dr. Sarah Craun In this episode, Dr. Sarah Craun discusses Megan’s law and what she is learning about sexual offender...
Dr. Caitlin Ryan Dr. Caitlin Ryan discusses her work on the Family Acceptance Project, the first major study of LGBT youth and their...