Dr. Jeffrey Edleson Dr. Jeffrey Edleson, a nationally known researcher in the field of domestic violence and its effect on children...
Latest episodes
Jessica Greenawalt Jessica Greenawalt discusses her work with the Chelsea Collaborative Social Capital Campaign to improve community-level...
Dr. Jeffrey Edleson Dr. Jeffrey Edleson of the University of Minnesota is well known for his research on adult domestic violence...
Brian Farragher Changing the culture of care in an organization is a challenging, continuous, and transformational process. In this...
Dr. Lawrence Shulman It’s our third anniversary, and in this special episode Dr. Lawrence Shulman returns to our series to discuss...
Brian Farragher Brian Farragher, executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Andrus Children’s Center, discusses the...
Dr. Patricia Shannon In this episode, Dr. Patricia Shannon discusses her research related to the impact of war trauma and torture on the...
Dr. Elizabeth Lightfoot Child welfare has a strong crossover with the disability field, yet there has been little critical examination of...
Dr. Brian Bride As the field of traumatology has grown, it has become increasingly apparent that the effects of psychological trauma extend...
Dr. Rebecca Thomas & Dr. Jill Witmer Sinha Microfinance is recognized as an anti-poverty tool and a conduit for financial assistance...