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Healthy lifestyle concepts: red heart shape plate with fresh organic fruits and vegetables shot on blue background. A digital blood pressure monitor, doctor stethoscope, dumbbells and tape measure are beside the plate This type of foods are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that prevents heart diseases, lower cholesterol and help to keep a well balanced diet.

Child Welfare and COVID-19: Ensuring safety and well-being in a global pandemic

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Now that we are in the middle of a pandemic, child welfare agencies are faced with the incredible challenge of immediately shifting to a virtual workforce;moving all of their staff and operations out of the agency, establishing policies and protocols, and procedures for how to support a virtual workforce. While also ensuring the safety and well-being of children and families in their care, and the physical safety of their workforce from the virus itself.”

Dr. Robin Leake

Welcome back! In this episode, our guest Dr. Robin Leake – Project Director for National Child Welfare Workforce Initiative (NCWWI) discusses how social workers are navigating the impact of the Coronavirus on child welfare systems, the people they serve, and the workers who serve them. She details how workers are attending to their core mission, how they are supporting families, and how they are struggling with the impact on their own lives as they adapt to the severe disruptions the pandemic has introduced.

Dr. Robin Leake

Robin Leake, Ph.D. is a Research Associate Professor, and the Acting Executive Director of the Butler Institute of Families at the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work. Dr. Leake has over 20 years of experience in social science, intervention research evaluation with an emphasis on implementation of trauma-informed practice, and organizational workforce development in child welfare. Dr. Leake is the Project Director for the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI) and the co-Principal Investigator for the Children’s Bureau Capacity Building Center for Tribes.

Interviewer: Annette Semanchin-Jones, PhD

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