“I don't know how many more times we can say thoughts and prayers for these families when there's tangible steps that we can take that...

“I don't know how many more times we can say thoughts and prayers for these families when there's tangible steps that we can take that...
“Intimate partner violence effects everyone. Even if people say, well, I've never been abused. I don't know anyone who has been abused. You...
“... Keep asking the tough questions and holding the child welfare system to a high standard, because both the families and the [social...
"Leadership is really important in helping different groups to recognize collaboration can be beneficial."
"We’ve taught people what they should not say, but we haven’t taught them what they should say. So instead, they say nothing."
“If we can get some basic information out there to social workers about how to start having these conversations, we have the potential to...
“[S]chools of social work don't emphasize perinatal mood disorder as much anymore, and social workers are the leading group providing...
“Youth participatory action research says that youth are the experts about their own lives, and they know what issues are important in...
“The dynamics of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and power and control are similar regardless of your country of origin.”
“For every injury a young person suffers the likelihood of surviving the next injury decreases. Our primary goal was [for] our data to...