“Social workers are academically trained to lead important dialogue between diverse groups. We are the only professionals mandated to...

“Social workers are academically trained to lead important dialogue between diverse groups. We are the only professionals mandated to...
"We have to take a long term perspective of ourselves. At some point, I realized that we wouldn’t solve [racism] in my lifetime. I am just...
“I really appreciated so much doing this work in a cross-racial pairing, it changed my life in a lot of ways and by that I mean it was...
“A lot of what we participate in in the everyday doesn’t always meet with what it claims or purports to do and so we need to be critical...
It could be in the criminal justice system... the mental health system, it could be... whatever system for me when I think about, are you...
“In order to do clinical work, we have to have a macro understanding of why we are there in the first place. So having to navigate between...
“There is no evidence that African American kids are likely to misbehave than children from other cultural groups, and there is some...
Dr. Priscilla Gibson Dr. Gibson speaks about her research exploring the experiences of kinship caregivers parenting African American...
Alankaar Sharma This is the second of two episodes in which Alankaar Sharma discusses his work comparing and contrasting the well-known...
Alankaar Sharma From Tuskegee to current revelations of U.S. experiments in Guatemala in the 1940’s, public health research and...