Dr. Priscilla Gibson Dr. Gibson speaks about her research exploring the experiences of kinship caregivers parenting African American...
Dr. Eugene Walls In this podcast, Dr. Eugene Walls discusses his research on school engagement among sexual minority students. His research...
Dr. Jeffrey Edleson Dr. Jeffrey Edleson, a nationally known researcher in the field of domestic violence and its effect on children...
Dr. Jeffrey Edleson Dr. Jeffrey Edleson of the University of Minnesota is well known for his research on adult domestic violence...
Dr. Elizabeth Lightfoot Child welfare has a strong crossover with the disability field, yet there has been little critical examination of...
Katherine Montgomery In this episode, Katherine Montgomery, MSSW and doctoral student, reports on the findings and implications of her...
Dr. Poco Kernsmith & Dr. Roger Kernsmith Behaviors like sexting are not new phenomena. However, technology increases the ease and risks...
Dr. Faye Mishna Dr. Faye Mishna discusses her research on cyber bullying among youth, its prevalence, its effects, and what social workers...
Dr. Lenore Walker In this episode, Dr. Lenore Walker discusses the current social, political, and legal dynamics that challenge a trauma...
Dr. Julie Spielberger In this episode, Dr. Julie Spielberger discusses findings from her study of a system of prevention and early...