“This is an incredible opportunity for a social worker to show up. And when we do, because of how we are uniquely trained, things get...

“This is an incredible opportunity for a social worker to show up. And when we do, because of how we are uniquely trained, things get...
“[Y]our story is important, and don't lose your story while you're doing your work. It is important no matter where you come from.”
“Talk therapy is all about the verbal language. But what if you don’t have the verbal language?... That’s why movement is so important...
“... Keep asking the tough questions and holding the child welfare system to a high standard, because both the families and the [social...
“Trauma matters because trauma produces symptomology, both acute symptomology and deferred symptomology, and all of those symptoms impact...
“One of the reasons we started this program was to improve children’s placement stability. [W]e are seeing that participation in PC-Care is...
Now that we are in the middle of a pandemic, child welfare agencies are faced with the incredible challenge of immediately shifting to a...
“ISS-USA, International Social Service USA is the American member of a network of social workers and lawyers working in about 130 countries...
“Clearly there is always going to be some degree of turnover in child welfare, however, this study found time and time again that it was...
“I became really aware that the way we help parents, will ultimately impact the children that they have.”